Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I can finally share my music!

I created a bandcamp page so now folks can listen to some of my music:


Hopefully the link will work.

I was stuck today by the short biography of St. Anthony in my Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals book.  Here it is:

Anthony of Egypt (251-336)

Anthony was born in Egypt in the middle of the third century and lost his parents at a young age, inheriting a fair amount of land and wealth.  Soon after, when he heard a gospel reading in church prompting him to "go sell what you possess and give it to the poor," he did just that, vowing to dedicate his life thereafter to God.  Anthony lived for a time in his native home, pursuing prayerful asceticism.  After fifteen years, at the age of thirty-five, he withdrew to the solitude of the desert and began his monastic life of prayer, study and work.  After many years of living in the desert, Anthony remained whole and healthy, and he radiated compassion and joy.  He lived to the age of 105 and is remembered as the father of the church's first monastic movement.

Pretty extraordinary.

Reflecting a bit on his life made me realize how I am not so devoted to God as I would like to portray myself.  I wrote a song called "Devotion" prompted by the Spirit.  I am still working through it but maybe I'll put it on the bandcamp page when I feel ready.  Here is a little taste of some of the lyrics though: 

"You ask me if I truly love You/  Love is not emotion or even a rule/ I must follow You and look the fool/ Feeding sheep, orphans, and widows too."