Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Holy Mischief

Time rolls on like a river.  I have not posted lacking inspiration and somewhat lacking time.  I love being a mama.  I'm convinced it is one of the most fantastic joys one can experience.  There is such delight in seeing your child grow and seeing her become more and more the little person that she was created to be.  I only want to aid in this formation and by the grace of the Holy Spirit that's what I'm trying for every day.

Yet, sometimes my life feels mundane.  Sometimes I even feel like cliche and I'm reaching for something more.  We are slowly meeting some like-minded folks but have mostly connected with some people we wouldn't have thought to be friends with back home (which has it's merits as well).  I live in a city now that I would never choose to live in apart from the great job my husband has here.  We live in the *best* part of the city as far as I know.  It's a bit like a small town and it has it's charms and character of some of the older architecture, a handful of indie businesses down the "Hilton" strip and traditions long held by the tight knit community inside of it.  It is like a Norman Rockwell painting brought to life in a lot of ways.

Of course, there are the darker, sadder sides of things here including a homeless population that seems to wander through often.  There also seems to be an overall lust for the "new" and "convenient" (at least in the wider city) which leaves blight of disheveled mom and pop businesses in it's wake.  I can find myself feeling sorry for myself even though even though I truly love so much of my life and I am thankful for my family (Chris and Miriam) especially.  I am thankful to be able to watch little Miri grow as well.  Yet, I need to see that my purpose goes beyond the immediate.  I need to know that there is something for me in this city itself and not shut myself off from the uncomfortable injustices that exist.  I need to be enabled to do some "holy mischief" in the words of Shane Claiborne.  Holy Mischief being a challenge to the status quo, a way to brighten and illuminate, a dare to be different in the way God calls us to be different - set apart so others might see his Holiness.

So yesterday I set out to do something I had meaning to do for months.  I had painted a few signs with scriptures that I felt might speak to someone out on the street or someone just taking a walk,  "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." -Galatians 5:6  "Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your Creator." -Micah 6:8, and one more "You are loved and worthy of love" (taken from an incredible story my high school friend told) -- see here --http://www.differentkindoflife.com/birthday/ 

I went out with Miriam in her stroller and hammered the signs up to a couple of telephone polls (I actually forgot the "You are loved and worthy of love" one but I intend to put that out another day).  I felt so alive because I was able to do something like that.  Miriam even seemed to like it. ;-) I hope that the signs speak to people in real ways.  I hope it's a day brightener or a challenge to someone.  I actually put one near a tavern.  Ha. We will see.

I've decided that I want to make my life one that is full of this kind of Holy Mischief.  I don't want to get comfortable and cozy with what's typical.  I want to let my imagination go wild with God, the Creator, and by his help, bring them about.  So far for me that means making those signs, greeting and engaging homeless people and speaking as the Spirit leads, and putting a "free box" in our front yard with clothes we don't need (when it's not rainy).  I want to do more and see more of God's Kingdom come.  Here, now, on earth as it is in Heaven.  We are his children, are we not?

More Holy Mischief is to be had.